Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Dangers of Complacency

When we have been working on a course of self improvement and have begun to see some success in our endeavors we need to watch out for the tendency to become complacent. While I have often extolled the virtues of forming good habits, it is important to note that we also need to maintain our best practices.

Let's think of habits like a garden growing in eternal summer. The flowers bloom and the tomatoes grow, we reap the rewards of our efforts. However if we leave the garden untended for too long it becomes overgrown, weeds choke the beds and the tomatoes rot on the vine. Without attention our habits become sloppy.

Every so often we need to return to the work we have already done and make sure it is still up to standards. Pulling the weeds and picking the fruit will keep us from falling back into the bad habits we have worked so hard to get rid of.

The editing project is on hiatus for production week at the papera.


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